lunes, 8 de junio de 2015


1.-triplets: trillizos
 One of three children born at one birth.

2.-againast: contra
in opposition to; contrary to; adverse or hostile

3.-orphanage: orfanato
A public institution for the care and protection of children without parents.

4.- hut:choza
 makeshift dwelling or shelter

5.-birth: nacer
an act or instance of being born

The world's largest family

The story is about a large family who has many children. The name of the family is Albina. They have 64 children. Some of the children were born in Argentina and others were born in Chile. Mr and Mrs Albina never used birth control so they had all the children God sent them. Now, they live in a shack in Colina, Chile

domingo, 7 de junio de 2015

A little about me..

my name is Nora Retamal  . I am very proud of my name
because my mother is called equal.
I like to dance and sing. I enjoy spending time with my friends
and loved ones  I do not like to leave them.
They are my life

My mother's name is Nora works in SENAME works Monday through Friday
she has an active life. my dad lives in another city

I have one sister and one brother.

lunes, 1 de junio de 2015

1.- step back: paso atrás
never take a step back

2.- Without me: sin mi
you continued without me

3.- blame: culpa
the blame is on me

4. found me: encontraste
you found me and loosed me

5.- places: lugares
You took me to places I did not know

6.- ground: suelo
lying on the ground